
Organoid technologies for disease modelling, drug discovery and development for rare diseases.

About the Orgestra project

We are an EU funded MSCA Joint Doctoral network that will train thirteen doctoral candidates in developing personalized disease models using stem cell-derived organoids for rare diseases, including the lung and kidney diseases, cystic fibrosis and cystinosis.

Research will aim to identify pathogenetic mechanisms, druggable targets, and drug mode of action for effective and innovative treatment strategies and to classify the pathway to clinic. We will also address ethical and regulatory issues to foster acceptance and implementation of organoid models and develop a living technologies toolset to enable a swift transfer from bench to bedside.

ORGESTRA is a four-year project funded by the EC HORIZON–MSCA-2023-DN-JD Grant Agreement No 101120108, coordinated by the University of Utrecht. The project starts 1st January 2024 and will end in December 2027.

The network is made up of fourteen partners from seven European countries providing international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary training that brings together molecular biologists, engineers, pharmacologists, clinicians, epidemiologists and ethicists, to give each of our doctoral candidates a unique, joint-doctoral training experience complemented by a rich network training programme.

Meet our Doctoral Candidates

Our network partners are

Associate Partners undertaking training/secondments or degree awarding include:

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Meet our PhD students

Our outstanding and dynamic doctoral candidates bring a unique perspective and expertise from a wide range of backgrounds.  Discover who they are and find out more about our exciting research projects focusing on  organoid technologies, Cystic fibrosis and...

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